Developing the Young Workforce
Welcome to Developing the Young Workforce at Berwickshire High School.
At Berwickshire High School, all our students are treated and respected as individuals and they will receive support to prepare for, and move through, changes and choices. It is the responsibility of the BHS DWY Programme, in partnership with Skills Development Scotland, to meet and engage with all our students and establish a plan for leaving school and securing a positive destination. This includes higher/further education, employment and training, or apprenticeship schemes.
Our Aims
- Raise awareness of job opportunities and career pathways through senior school work-based learning.
- Deliver industry relevant experiences in the classroom.
- Develop our students employability skills and equip them with the correct attitude, skills and knowledge for the world of work.
- Enhance curriculum delivery through work-related activity influenced by our business employer partnerships.
- Increase our students understanding of industry and the local labour market through career webinars and our annual Careers Fair.
- Help our students achieve a sustained positive destination after they leave education.
It is our aim, through Developing the Young Workforce at Berwickshire High School, to help raise awareness of the range of careers and training on offer to our students and the many different routes to employment in our local area and beyond, helping students plan for their future training and employment.
Latest Developing the Young Workforce News
For all the latest careers advice about local modern apprenticeships, virtual career talks in a variety of business sectors, or booking an online session with ‘Meet the Expert’, please go to the Senior Social Education Groups in MS Teams. Careers information is posted daily as well as information about how to write CVs and Personal Statements. There is guidance about making the right course choices using your personal My World of Work account.
If you are in S4, you may be thinking about a Foundation Apprenticeship for your S5 & S6 at the Borders College – the information is posted there too, together with opportunities at other Colleges like Northumberland College and the Scottish Rural College.
Careers Advice
If you would like more specific careers advice, why not book an online careers interview with Ross Ryrie, our Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Careers Advisor: