Health & Wellbeing
The Health and Wellbeing faculty compromises:
- Physical Education (PE)
- Home Economics (HE)
- Health & Wellbeing (formerly known as Personal & Social Education - PSE)
Knowledge & skills
The S1-3 curriculum has been developed from national Experiences and Outcomes. Details of the specific content taught can be found in the tabs to the right of this page.
Students have five periods of Health & Wellbeing:
- PE (2 periods per week)
- HE (1 period per week)
- Health & Wellbeing (1 period per week)
Classes are mixed ability.
Students have three core periods of Health & Wellbeing:
- PE (2 periods per week)
- Health & Wellbeing (1 period per week)
Classes are mixed ability.
S4 students have 2 periods of 'core' (non-certificated) PE per week. S5 and S6 students can choose non-certificated PE as an option.
In addition, S4-6, students can choose from a range of courses, including:
Nationals (N3-5)
- Health & Food Technology
- Hospitality
- Child Development
- PE
National Progression Awards (NPAs)
- Sports Coaching
- Health & Food Technology
- PE
Advanced Highers
- PE