General enquiries
For general enquires, please contact our school office on 01361 883710.
The school office is open during term time from 8.30am until 4.30pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am until 3.30pm on Friday. Out of hours and during holidays messages can be left by ringing our absence line - 01361 884844.
Our school email address is:
If you are a parent and would like to discuss an issue to do with your son or daughter's progress or wellbeing, please contact the school office and ask to make an appointment to speak with their Guidance Teacher.
Letting us know about student achievements
If your son or daughter has achieved something out of school that you would like to let us know about, please use the form available via this section of our website (right-hand side).
Q&A for Heads Up
If you have any questions about anything happening in the school that you would like answered in the weekly Heads Up, please use the form in this part of our website to submit this.