Whole School CPR Training
On Tuesday 19 September we saw the fantastic life-saving initiative inspired by Sarah Turnbull, our S6 leaver and creator of our first BHS Medic Group, with whole school training in CPR with the Scottish Ambulance Service.
The training is planned for two days and on Day 1 - all S1, S2, S3 and S5 students spent a lesson learning the importance of procedure and the skills involved to administer CPR.
A huge thank you to Lee & Lynn from the Service for giving up their free time and volunteering to come into the school to deliver this important life-saving programme as part of our curriculum. We look forward now to catching up with them again for Day 2 and training for our S4, S6 and Enhanced Provision students.
In the future we will be looking to raise money for a defibrillator machine at the school. Thank you, Mr Gracey.